Last Sunday I went to go see "Lovelikefire", a band that I was late to see the last time they played. The first time I caught them as they were striking the set and loading their equipment, but I managed to buy the two CDs they had available. I'm glad I did. So I kinda missed them kinda didn't, 'cause I was able to talk to them and take pictures with them and so on. They told me they were coming back in the fall. And came back they did. I don't know what they played the first time they visited Schuba's. This last Sunday they played mostly new songs. I recall only one they played from the CDs they had out. The lead singer Ann felt bad for not having the new CD out, but in this way I now have something to anticipate from them. Lovelikefire are great live, and on CD. Ann, the lead singer has this crystal clear voice that commands a presence live as well as in the studio. I know bands that sound wonderful live, but sound flat in my car...(.it should not matter if I got factory speakers, so fuck off). And I know of bands in which the reverse is true, but not Lovelikefire. The transition from live performance to CD is nearly seamless. On this past Sunday I took my friend Natalie to go see them with me. I was not sure she would like them. We walked into Schuba's at 9:45 just as "Star" finished their set. Star is a band I saw earlier this year, I've also written about them. They are this great local shoegazer band. We arrived too late to see them....they were just finishing their last song....damn! There was almost no one there to see them, so I felt bad. They deserve a massive subcultural audience, but this sentiment I feel about every band I like. The turnout for Lovelikefire was little better....but that does not hinder me from enjoying a band. So Nat and I sit at a table near the wall. When I go alone to concerts, there is no one for me sort of give a shit for. But when you take someone, that person's impression of the same performance you saw...matters. It does not hinder my own enjoyment in the least, but I do feel responsible for them not enjoying what I take them to go see. I so wanted Natalie to like this band, she was this variable in the equation that can only be quantified at the end of the night. When I go it alone there is no variable but extra suprise, save for what I discover alone. But here and there you need to add that extra unknown into the equation. It helps to color the night in a singular way. And Natalie is cool. I'm glad she went. Thank you Natalie! And so Lovelikefire start their performance to a half-empty Schubas. And they kicked total ass!! It's as if they did not care how few people were there. I made it work for me by always changing the angle of the camera I had. I took pictures from anywhere, from one end of the stage to the other. Same thing when capturing a whole live video of their performance. When there is a packed house. The spot you got is the spot you got. But when the people are few, you can really move around, and when taking down a whole performance, I like on occasion panning the camera to document briefly how many people went. This is getting long and I shall write more later.