I start this ahead of seeing them tonight at Whistler. Friends of mine I have met while seeing them in other bands are in Wyys. Venus from Moritat sings and plays keys, Donna from Beat Drun Juel plays guitar. Cory from Moritat recorded and mixed the two demos that are on Bandcamp, Glimpse, and Wildfire. Anna Friedman plays bass and I remember her from the night BDJ played Whistler.....what? I took a picture that had her with Donna and Venus, that's how come I remember. And Beat Drun Juel playing that fucking closet is memorable. That's kind of why I like Whistler, its a fucking phone booth. Kon from Moritat once told me I can have an entire separate blog about the shows I intended to see but was late for. Hmmm, so this is one of them posts. Wyys played real early and had only about 5 songs including a Cure cover. The night was not an entire loss. I went to Berlin's where my friends Philly Peroxide, Sarah and William were DJ's. That salvaged the night, going there. I saw friends that I feel comfortable around and they were all dancing. I even noticed the two main members of My Gold Mask. Which reminds me....they got a show coming with Austra at Thalia Hall. That one is a mission. Yeah....I did not have it so bad.
And the history of Wyys stretches back. Actually at this point they have a longer back-history. Moritat I feel a real and aging-like-wine, comfort zone with. I have seen through them so many other musicians. A casual word from Venus had me stay at Whistler to see The Eternals, when I was just about to leave. Julie Meckler I have seen play because of them. From Venus I know Donna, from BDJ....its knowing this and carrying this is all I got......... I got there fucking late.
So I walk into Whistler and already the main act is playing. And they are good....but that is not what is on my mind. I glance around to see if either Venus or Donna are around to ask them with my eyes what I already kinda know. A friend that I see at many of Moritat's shows is there, he is wearing a Cure shirt. We nod. The place is quite full and I can't see behind the crowd where the bar is at. Eventually I do see both Venus and Donna and they confirm what I suspected. What followed were the little moments that salvaged the night for me. I've seen Donna play and I have seen Venus play. And I will compile pictures from both here. BDJ and Moritat, separate pictures that in this context they are of Wyys. And its hard to imagine Donna not in front, her stage presence is fucking powerful. That friend with a Cure shirt noticed the expressions on Donna wanting to unleash that guitar fury on the stage. It was an interesting observation to note, he has not seen Beat Drun Juel and yet can see something of that in how Donna plays for Wyys. There will be another time to see them. I wanted here to recall what I know of the paths that lead to them being a band.