Hi, I guess this is my very first real entry into my blog and all. Here it is. I was really looking forward to this shoegazer-goth concert, mostly to see AVP which I'm friends with, I am happy to say. Sorry, Gail and John for arriving too late for your performance. Still, I was happy to see you all there to see the same performances I saw.
The Lavellas are a male vocal band that had me dancing as well as a few others. This is significant for me because the male voice normally does not hold my attention, but this band had me and many goths around me dancing, and as I was moving I knew I would leave the venue with everything that this band produced, as well as a size M shirt.....I'm normally an XL but hey how often do you get to talk to a band that you like? Take whatever size is available. I'll take that size M and I will love it. I can say this, for the time that they performed I was not thinking of who was playing next. My concentration was on enjoying them playing. Afterwards I had a nice talk with the lead singer. They performed this past Saturday as well. I could not go to that because of work.
Star, was the main act. There was something written on them in I think "New City" a free local newspaper with an lean towards music. I liked what I read and so I bought the CD before hearing them sing. It pays off so well when you buy it on blind faith first and love it later. Star is a fuzzy, loud shoegazer act with a female voice that's local. Lead singer Shannon, dressed in casual dark colors seemed relaxed enough to sip from what looked like a really cheap south-side beer, Blue Ribbon, I think, as she sang. I fucking loved it. She has the kind of stage presence that's relaxed, casual, unassuming but still commanding. Kind of like a really cool open mic poetry performance. I had to talk to Ms Shannon after her performance. She deserves a big audience, a big passionate, subcultural audience. As does the Lavellas, and AVP.
I feel everytime I have a good time during a Tuesday night concert is like I took it away from weekenders. It's like I took something straight out of their mouths. A good Tuesday is better than a regular Saturday for me, in part because Tuesday is my regular weekend, and so when a concert lands squarely in my weekend, it feels like it was customized for me. As I get more and more into the routine of posting for this blog of mine, (thanks Erin!) I will ad more post more pictures and video for the bands that I have seen and heard.
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