When she is singing for Attrition it's this brooding intense, thinly veiled energy. Different performances, different characters. I remember seeing Attrition before Laurie joined. And it's a totally different thing now. Laurie here continues her operatic expressions, not just the voice. And she combines all that with a kind of robotic dancing.
It made me think about the differences in the bands that she plays in. You know how Johnny Depp just totally owns every performance he does, yet every person he plays so vastly different, save for a few quirks in them that only he can flesh out. It's the same for me with Ms Laurie. In High Blue Star mode, she was bouncing all over the place. It was hard to get a good shot of her. It just occurred to me that I have not even mentioned the music. I like it when industrial bands play all their instruments live like a regular rock band. I saw a guitarist, (could have been a bass player that I saw instead). There were other musicians on stage with her. Calling High Blue Star industrial is just a beginning. It struck me as more willfully mysterious than say I:Scintilla (who I saw perform for the first time after them).
I have a lot of pictures and video stored up in memory cards, stuff that needs to be said, thoughts that need to be expressed that were contained in those cards. Perhaps all that is said her in this blog is a chemistry of state of mind when present in these events, what happened , my subjectivity.
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