I am behind when it comes to Still Corners. I will slowly familiarize with Dead Blue because I like Lost Boys. That was not their latest and not what I think they were touring for. Slow Air is their newest. I'm sure it was Black Lagoon I was dancing to. There's a video to it to binge on. There she is driving a convertible and then on a beach. Ohhh....So there is where I got those images from. So Black Lagoon establishes this beat, this pace that it never blinks from, an easy runners pace. Its sweet enough and dark enough. Its black enough for Sarah and William. I can see this in Shimmer and Bittersweet. Its synth pop bass gives the guitar the right habitat to thrive.
I remember how enthusiastic was their performance. They were all into it, drummer, guitarist, and Ms Tessa. Attention and applause was shown for them for peak moments. When the guitarist was wailing away the way people play air guitar. That's his stolen moment and the crowd reacted. Him and the drummer were that machine Tessa drove with her whispery voice.
Four albums, but...I'm taking my time and let the memory of the show imprint with the two CDs that I have. If I had it, I would have bought all the fucking merch....shirts, CDs. I was fortunate to have enough to bring something back.
Tessa Murray's angelic pretty whisper voice holds her place well between the drummer and guitarist....she also plays keyboard. Tessa was so nice afterwards talking to everyone at the merch table and taking pictures with them for a good while afterwards. That reminds me of why I am so fucking into them. It brings me back to the first album. Looking back I believe they also played The Trip. Dead Blue is what I will be thinking about and playing. Slowly songs from there sink in beyond Lost Boys. Textures marked with sound are these fascinating paths I take, familiar and new. As it dawns on me how awesome The Fixer is, Dreamhorse grabs you. The delayed reaction works well for me as I am now overwhelmed by two great tracks. For me they are like Bel Canto, the way they without intending to, being this goth music candy. Bel Canto is a goth club favorite and I think this can be for Still Corners sending the bat friendly signals.
For music that sounds so chill, sweet and rhythmic, live its not meek. Its powerful, the bass gently surrounds....but still you are compelled to dance. Music sounds clean not awash in fuzz that only the musicians can navigate. I was watching the drummer and guitarist playing off each other. The theater of seeing that made the show for me too. When they are sold, taken in by their own performance, that fire resonated with the audience. There were them moments when you know it was just him and the drummer and the crowd reacted. At this point, now I don't remember exactly which songs I heard. But theirs is a show that is an awesome thing to see live. Their shyest songs really come to life as the coolest fucking thing. Zig
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