Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ami Saraiya

Alright so I saw Ami at Jerry's I believe. I arrived there thinking that I missed her whole set but in fact I was right on time. I was always impressed with Ami's backing band, precisely honed for her. The entire band (Ami included) once were called Radiant Darling. They put out the CD "Cryptomnesia" under that name. I always thought that was appropriate since one can tell how truly this was a collective thing. Then they dropped the name and it was just Ami Saraiya, but still with all the same wonderful backing band. Now we are back to naming the band. They are now known as Ami Saraiya and The Outcome. A reference to one of their songs. And it is right that the band be named. Ami tells an interesting story behind the songs "Familiar", and "By Jove". The songs answer one another in this immortal conversation between the gods, and so the name 'Jove".
There is music that you like because somehow you have been conditioned to like because of the times, and your surroundings. You liked it then but not now, you've outgrown it. Then there is music that you will like forever, no matter when or how it hits. It strikes as timeless personally. This is Ami and The Outcome. To me they evoke the 1920's,30's,40's . They wear the rust of blues. They don't wear costumes that evoke the times. The vivid period pictures are painted with sound alone. I don't know if this sound is deliberate, or even if this description is purely subjective....only in my head. They can easily headline a steam-punk event. Yet, I don't know if they are aware of such a vast potential fanbase. Projekt would love them, but that's speculating on a national level. If you live here, it's not enough that you buy the CD at Reckless Records. You have to see Ami play "Up, Down, and Charmed" right in front of you. On CD the music you never get tired of, a movie, story, play that somehow even as it stands still in time, is relevant for years. The official, static version of the breathing, live performance is what plays in the car, or ipod. And man, does the music breathe when they are live. I feel fortunate to call Ami local, and so I go see her live. It's a good time to see them because they play such small, intimate venues. The band is playing new songs. I recall at least three new songs. "Cattle-Prod Hands" I like a lot in part because I feel so well prepped by Ami's last two albums that I have something to anticipate from her. The new songs enhance the appreciation of the old songs while forging ahead. She...Ami and The Outcome are scheduled to play The Hungry Brain I think. Look up her myspace page. I still have to figure out where is this place and when she is playing. I have so many pictures of all the performances that I can pick and choose which ones to show.

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