Friday, December 2, 2016

Frost Of Doom debut

    Friday 11 November I went to go see Frost Of Doom debut concert. This night started first at my friend Marci's place to chill out and then three of us to the venue, Silvie's. We so, so needed this after this election. We needed to huddle together. Allie Frost is our friend. I've known her since she was playing bass for Solemn Meant Walks. And I always noticed her at the various shows I would go see.  I saw her at the Ritual Howls show at Burlington! Marci is a friend we have in common and a kick-ass goth DJ. One time while hanging at Marci's she played a Frost Of Doom track and it stopped me right there. I asked who this was. "It's Allie".....actually word for word I don't know how it went. I just know it was Marci that played and every time she did, it stopped me in my tracks. It has a natural rhythm for a goth themed dance-floor.  This strikes me like sweet-dark, doomy, synth goth. The sweet balances with the stripped-down, dark doom. The sweetness is not overpowered, nor does it takeover. Its just right. Allie has a kind of a girl-in-a-box type of voice, similar to Cranes. That always invites mystery and shadows out sized.
  From hearing it at Marci's it was a matter of when Frost Of Doom would perform live. At that moment when I first heard it, an actual concert was remote, a far away if worthy possibility. Its one thing to be a band member. Now, she has to run and book her own shows. That makes it quite the undertaking. That was perhaps last year, or at least many months ago. And the moment, Friday night....we are running fucking late. And she is actually having and running her own show. Once in the car I just need a way to Lake Shore Drive. Marcy guided me. She can text Allie that we are running late. I'm good with figuring out where to park around the venue I just need to drop off the girls first. Then go find parking with just my urgency but not of theirs. I park. Hmmm, yeah, here. Hmm...It just now occurs to me that all this and I have yet to tell anything really........I think we arrived at a good time. I think we got most of the show. Alright, but let me catch my breath and let me now ponder on ...fucking everything. I get to hear her, after I went to see her and I write if I fucking want to.
  Its great to see a show with friends. Especially when all of us are already sold on the performer. What ever we walked in on, it was nice. It was not a matter of me warming up to it, feeling it out. Straight away, I liked what I heard, exceeding moderate expectations. When you like a musician, become a fan, its really cool when you know them as friends. You really cheer their against-the-grain efforts to succeed, survive. Marci wanted to see how she can record it. That contagious urgency had me deleting content to stick in one last video. And I record the too brief and mysterious Misunderstood Doll. Another track I like is the one about her cat Lydia Hates Kisses. I am not sure if I heard it at the concert, or at the least I cannot confirm it. So the one song that for me symbolizes the entire gig is Misunderstood Doll. I am only identifying the songs I like now that I'm hearing them on bandcamp.

  I don't have to wonder if a set of friends of mine are enjoying it. I know they already are as I did with these. It was great, the night began for me at a friends place to pick up everyone to go see Allie's first show. Andrew from Solemn Meant Walks, Allie's old bandmate was there as well. I recall him saying to me how he likes the way she composes music.....not word for word, but he said something like that. So I felt a green light to take pictures, take mental notes that I will write later. And after the show we pack her stuff in the van, go chill briefly at Allie's place. It was a beautiful night and I was blown away by the performance. I liked the FOD tracks I heard on Bandcamp. And attached to that I have the experience of seeing this first show.

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