We looked into who was playing before HIDE. Hmmm, they did not interest us. So it looks like we wanna do this. Fee Lion was to play first at her venue and that got the gears working in both our heads....can we make it to both shows? Parking around Empty Bottle would not likely be an issue, but by the Virgin Hotel right in downtown it would be a fucking headache.
Anything would do to count as one part of this mission done. It looked like we would have to leave within a few songs. I have seen Fee Lion before when she played with Ela Minus. Ms Lion's music is dark disco dance with some Warpaint guitar thrown in. Very resonant, bass heavy, infectious and...clean sounding. Dark sounding....not dark feeling, if that makes sense. The empowering sensation I get from a Fee Lion show is a happy type of passion.
Heather Gable....HIDE, with her its the passion of sharpening your weapons for battle, the hunt. Its music that is angry on the edge of rage. Its the industrial music as played by Klingons, messy and angry brand of dark industrial. And she gives you something to get angry at.....but, hey...we still are waiting for Fee Lion. Hmm, yeah I jumped ahead. Fee Lion...I bought from her the CD with 6 tracks on it, at this show with Ela Minus. And I like all 6. Whatever praise I got for one song goes for all. Ad/Just is fucking fabulous, it builds and you just follow her voice! Her voice! Hmm, is clear. Vision, fucking bla bla fabulous for a whole other set of reasons. And so on. Her vibrating beats compel you to dance. Its 10pm and she finally plays....I don't mean to sound it like that. Our strict schedule is not on her. So we watched her with part of our mind on not wanting to miss HIDE, but that was just a matter of getting to my car and going to Empty Bottle. Marci early on introduced me to her briefly. I forgot exactly which songs we heard before we left but I made sure, hmm.....we made sure to see Fee Lion on top of HIDE. Two mother fucking shows!!!.
HIDE simmers in hypnotic rhythms and has you captured until that corner is turned and the machine takes off, in a faster mechanized pace. I'm taken back to where industrial music was created with the rhythms of the noises of machinery, sounds that were incidental and not meant to create music from. I really like this from HIDE. Even if I was on acid, I don't really think I would have a problem with the light show. Fog and flashing lights, yeah fucking bring it. So I am into Castration Anxiety. As I listen to it and make it familiar, I run through the other times I saw her. I'm glad HIDE plays a lot locally. And its the same with Fee Lion. They are from here, and that is so fucking cool and amazing. I get these random chances to see them. I like all if not most of Castration Anxiety, now that I can relax and hear it on my own time. Still...I like to visit and renew the memory of actually seeing them. What do you mean which ones. Just, all of them. Same as with Fee Lion. All of them. And more on that Hideout show later,
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