Freddie Old Soul, Fauvely, Little Church, Decima....those are the names of the performers I can recall. I went early to catch who I knew. And I ended up staying longer as each name made itself memorable. I was ready to go after Little Church, but I stayed for these names that I can remember. Adele, Danielle and Elaine were gonna cover each others work. I arrived to late for that. That almost does not matter. I am fortunate to see them in the audience and is they is the coolest. They are friends I did see them later at Emporium but.....
This Frontwoman Fest 2018 was to be the last one. Most of the bands that I was familiar with were on the early side. Its not really that unusual to see Fauvely at Burlington I suppose. The difference was that she played early. A sense of comfort comes with the familiarity of her music, and leaves you eager for what is next. I'm already liking the new songs she plays live. Sometimes different people perform with her. Sometimes she has a drummer, sometimes she has Scott Cortez, or Danielle....or a violinist. The music is fluid when its live. And she is playing more new music that is not in Watch Me Over complicate this. She is currently playing locally with gigs only weeks apart. I know that is exhausting, it is appreciated. It keeps the music alive hand in hand with the recordings. Remember there was a time when recordings were not available, and for me each performance is unique with moments never to be repeated exactly. Anyway, that is a rant as to why I see shit over and over again. And that goes for everyone I see repeatedly.
So Fauvely will play again in on a Free Monday at Empty Bottle. I just finished seeing her with Impulsive Hearts at Emporium and that was a fucking show. I really like the new songs separately from what is already recorded and available as a download and cassette. That's only six songs. Naturally her sets will include new work and its fucking awesome. And so this is the fucking millionth time seeing her in The new work is sounding bolder and louder. It is interesting how six tracks over time leave you with an impression and suddenly the new songs break that are not telegraphed. They seem to come from a different place and give you an additional reason to like them. This is the case with Fauvely. The six are few and incomplete is the sweet and timid picture. Not so with these new tracks. She is bolder and darker. And actually there is a darkness present in the first six. Its....dark sweet, the first six. And now from that is an interesting new direction. Jesus fucking Christ I kinda went on about her. Well, a lot of what I said here I know I will repeat about someone else.
I don't know the names of them, but I do know that I like what I hear. Little Church I have seen once before with Adele's Axons at some free show at Schubas. And wow, they had me with their raw, soulful enthusiasm. I was gonna leave and at some point, but it was one band after another. Freddie Old Soul made her own case for me to stay in that front of the stage. And then Decima, and Ovef Ow...and SuperKnova, damn she did know her blues! Frontwoman Fest has introduced me to bands that I would not know otherwise.
philosophers. And so I see her as a philosopher. I was fucking in awe of this person as she was bouncing all over the place. I am struck again as I see her videos on YouTube. This first time was at Frontwoman, the last home, the only home at Burlington. I hope to see her again and again. YouTube helps me to find these great and informative videos on Ms Freddie Old Soul. Her name is so spot on because something about her is old and wise. I don't know what made me think YouTube would not have videos on her.
So I have a go again, this time to look up Little Church, and that search was some fucking discouraging shit. No way am I gonna sift through videos on weird ass churches, Christian parodies....that don't know when they shot themselves in the foot. After looking up Ms Freddie, and on a high on what I found on her, searching for Little Church on YouTube, that almost killed my high. Well, let me this up. I did not find any videos for the band. I did find their music on bandcamp...Little Church, and all was well again. There is not a lot I know of them. I don't even know the name of the singer. I was blown away by her infectious enthusiasm, and soulful, blusey guitar playing. I hear the Demos from Bandcamp and Gangster is the one song that really reminds me of what I heard live.
I almost forgot about Decima. There is an accent mark that goes over the "e". With this bloody keyboard I don't know how to do it. It is important that I mention that for me because I get the feeling that she is a spanish speaker, perhaps with origins from a spanish speaking country.
Hell, I think she sang in spanish. Decima is right up there with bands like Pixel Grip, Spaces of Disappearance, Sexy Fights, Fee Lion, in terms of how she sounds. Decima performed with two hooded dancers next to her. I think that was nice, it added a layer of mystery, performance art to her....performance. This was my first time seeing Decima, and now it would be cool to see more shows of her. I believe she is from Chicago.
This Frontwoman Fest was the last one, and I feel fortunate that I was able to go to it, hell all of them. Even the bands that I missed, they were on my radar because I saw a name in the poster. I think Pixel Grip was on there once. I got a separate rant on them coming....let me just post this one up.
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