Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Star's Devastator

Hello to all,
Today I was about ready to upload at least one concert video just so that I can relieve the itch of doing so just for a little while...but alas. I forgot the cord that attaches from the camera to the computer so I will have to just bullshit about them. Text is so woefully inadequete when talking about bands. I would rather just show rather than tell, but tell is all I have at the moment, and I already went on briefly about seeing the Lavelles and Star. Excellent bands both of them. I can just go on...and I guess that's what this blog is for....thanks Erin and congratulations to you and did say yes, right if not never mind.
Star's music grows on me the more I listen to it and as I do I grow more fond of the performance I captured. The lyrics on the songs have some bite. Within the context of the CD "Devastator", a guy is either a sad, lonely loser or an isolated revolutionary/hero or all of the above. It seems part of the burden of being a hero/revolutionary is to be alone. And a lonely guy can aspire to save the world. All this just makes me wish I got down more of the performance on camera. I hope there are more performances to come 'cause I will be there to document them.
Chloe Day I saw the day after Christmas. There was so nothing to do that I had to find something to do, and here was this pretty name in the Reader. I haven't known a Chloe that is not attractive and so off to the Elbo Room I go. There were only about 11, or 10 people there to see miss Chloe, and she was the prettiest one in there. The low turn out is not a bad thing for me as a fan, (as I left the venue as one). It actually encouraged me to meet Chloe afterwards. Her whole band seemed to be contained inside her iPod she had hanging from her mic. "Dirty Little Secret" is dancey and thought provoking with references to the cross one bears made heavier
by the secrets that sit on top of it. Secrets that one can never escape. Hearing it made me think she went to Catholic school. "Dirty Little Secret" would feel at home playing in a goth club, something to play right after Bel Canto's "Shimmering Warm and Bright. "Spoon" and "Hands" seemed to written about the Mr Right every guy aspires to be, or should aspire to be. This is not corny, shallow Valentines Day romance, but cool Nick Cave love. This is what PJ Harvey would feel about finding THE ONE....but that's just me gushing about this girl's music. More on everything later.

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