Friday, March 28, 2008

Missed Puerto Muerto, kinda

I'm always late for stuff. And I'm feeling this one to some degree. Puerto Muerto opened for the Mekons. I actually made it on time to see the Mekons but that is now who I went to see but I stayed for them anyway. I was actually curious to see if PM had any merch to sell and I went ahead and bought their latest CD. What often happens is that I dislike what I hear and as a result feel like a Kentucky fried idiot and I'm $15 poorer for it. Not this time. It hurts that I missed their performance, but catching this soon-to-be-hard-to-find CD is better than missing them entirely. I know very little about them. They are a husband-and-wife team, they both sing and they are local, but for some reason the CD that I have will be released as British import. Huh??? But they are local. I don't have the CD in front of me, because I'm at work but it is worth supporting the band for. I shall write more on them later.

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