Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Alright so I went overboard with the pictures. I post these of Panda Riot. They are playing Empty Bottle this Thursday 6th January. If you RSVP you get in for free. I post these in part because this is what I saw the day I came back from my cousin's wedding in New York. Panda Riot played The Whistler on a Sunday I believe. This is what is local and familiar to me. It was in a shoe gaze themed night when this band came to my attention. So that is how I tend to describe them. They do have that pillowy, cloudy guitar sound. But they don't take advantage of your short attention span and leave you hanging. You are guided along in their casual pace by Rebecca, seen hear in the record T-shirt. It's pleasant casual nature sneaks up on you and turns you into a tourist forever in awe of your casual day.
They are an awesome band to have in your ipod and all, but sweeter still will they sound after you see them with your own eyes.

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