Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sister Crystals

I went to the Panda Riot thing last Saturday 9 June with a weight of guilt attached to the usual belief that I'm late to something. Friends that I feel close to invited me elsewhere. I'm sorry guys I could not go. So this slight weight of guilt was my companion. Don't trust guilt to give you good directions. I thought I passed Kedzie when I thought I didn't. Circled back to heavy Cicero traffic, start over. Indeed I missed the band before Sister Crystals were scheduled to play and that is who I wanted to see. A little facebook research may lead you to the free downloads. You see how that puts an edge to the urgency to see them? Well, it makes the driving stop and go on Cicero somewhat fucking unpleasant. So I listen to NPR and see how bad everyone else has it. Fuck!!
  So finally I find the street where Panda Riot were releasing their EP....I just have to circle back again. As I park I notice a swarm of people casually head in. This is my second visit to the Pandas practice spot. They were releasing new work on vinyl. As near definite as seeing them was, Sister Crystals were the main wonder.  There's Rebecca with the crowd...go pay her...she's talking....oh, there go the Crystals. Pay later....I bullshit.
  So I recall really liking the downloaded songs. In awe that I can discover this and then download it right there. How in the veins is that? The only main line left to do is to see them live, and pay. They deserve to be paid. Its important to do that. I believe the event just broke even. To see it pays me back for ever. This is how the music gasps for air, to see it, to go after it is to be...that child discovering his favorite bands. Now you go after the events.
  I saw the whole thing. I was way impressed with SC.  They more than reenforce what I downloaded. Live, they have these moments when they build, build, build almost to anticipate the voice of Lauren Whitacre around the corner.  That makes for a good 5 minutes in one song, 2 minutes of which is jam session but you feel like you are running a sprint with them on a hill. And they get into it, like Ringo Death Starr...only they don't run into the crowd and offer to let you play bass...was it bass? Hmm, so with SC you are not tired or bored. Many times I just.... danced. They create the fire and give it space and time. And you can dance and ride the moment, and they do as well. I remember for how in awe I was in seeing how they played their instruments, jamming for themselves almost without an awareness of the crowd which seemed big during their set.
  I cannot recall which songs did what, and perhaps this will not help in what others find or not find in Crystals. I felt placed in rooms that previously John Lennon placed me in. A similar nostalgic kick, familiar laced wonder like something you should have been listening since forever. It's not saying that is how they sound. But their sweetness sparked easily the feeling of discovering Lennon for the first time in my uncles car. we give a shit, and does not help, right. Oh, so how do they sound? Hmm, like Secret Colours with the cardio engine of Sybris. What? You got to look them up too? Fuck!! So don't look that way when I want to use the Warpaint spray can!

  SC at times felt like they can effortlessly create this heavy dense fog and charge into it with you in a shopping cart. The wizened sweetness comes with the voice of Lauren Whitacre. Provokes wonder and claims authority. Sure I notice all the the ink too between the camera flashes, it adds to the authority like with Jilly from We Are Hex. You feel that what ever happens in the span of the six songs occurs near a beach, and for me far too close to childhood memories of Calumet Park on the South Side. Lauren's voice is clear yet I still base everything primarily on how things sounded and only occasionally what clearly comes out like in She's Gone. And you already have the marble stones where the words will write themselves. I might as well go see Calumet Park....or a real fucking beach, but currently I could only afford the metaphor, and Calumet. I didn't speak to the band  at all after they played, my awkwardness would scare Ms Lauren off I thought. I am happy and grateful to Panda Riot for having them.

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