Monday, January 14, 2013

Breath Of Life. A random review

 Breath Of Life. These are from when I saw this band at a Whitby Gothic Weekend. I believe I bought like two CDs based on seeing this one performance. I also bought a shirt with brilliant art work that I need to replace. I had since lost one before being able to download it. The one I did not lose and so I have it downloaded, saved and archived is Lost Children. Thinking about this band carries a lot of baggage. This is in my Traveling To Whitby soundtrack.  So this band if you like, comes with with a windows view of a subculture.  That is not to say that BOL need and are dependent of it. This is just how I found it, all dark and lovely. You can choose to close the windows, but there they are and what a view I had into the gothic subculture. This is for you if you miss the days of The Shroud, Mors Syphilitica, This Ascension, Collection D' Arnell-Andrea....and a bunch of other bands from Projekt. This is the music that invited a costume, made us pull out all the frilly ornate movements. It was at just the right pace for goths to dance their elegant best. A parallel world separate but similar to shoegaze. But 'gazers are too busy looking at their Adidas down to notice the frock coat you're wearing. Every bit as mysterious and often dark. If you're a goth, its all one continuum. So lets just say this is on the gothic end of the spectrum....right. And with the right kind of sweet. The voice is not juvenile girly, but mature, like you're being addressed by a contemporary.
Noamina is a song on the Lost Children CD and is likely to stay in your mind a bit. Its the one that hooks, if at all. Its this one that brings to the surface This Ascension at least to me.  This one I recall live as well. It made us dance. It got me to spend money that I don't regret spending to this day! If that one song does not do it for you then that takes the gas out of me wanting to sell it to you. If Noamina does it for you then you got a lot to catch you up on. They are consistent without sounding like they are just retreading familiar ground.

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