Sunday, January 20, 2013

Magic Key

In one name or another I've known of Magic Key for a long time, I think since 2007 when I saw her in a show with The Dials and Walking Bicycles under the name Aleks And The Drummer.  That was on a Free Monday at Empty Bottle, and far and away it's the place I've seen her the most in. That night felt like a weekend. It did not feel like a Monday. And they were all local bands. Anyway I don't tire of listening to May A Lightning Bolt Caress You. And I don't tire of listening to her live. Deric Criss was the drummer and can that guy go off. His drums were always urgent and dramatic and so was Aleks with her operatic power vocals and farsifa keyboard. This last time was Wednesday 9 Jan with Gel Set. The other bands that played I was too late for. They are local and I hope to see them again.
  So Magic Key.....the new songs have had years to evolve with live gigs. It used to be just her and a keyboard. Those early songs now recorded in amber. So we have a solid point of departure, a road to follow to and from. Now more instruments are being included and with the same authority as when I first saw her. And this authority projects many years older than she actually is. I don't feel a casual moment within her music. There's no patience here for your casual shoegaze gate, slacker! Magic Key has a naturally faster blood flow. It will have us goths dance like we did in the 90s. What?! I'm not taking the piss.....It was us goths that told them gazers their music was dance-worthy to begin with. I took the wrong detour........There is always a tension, that keeps you listening to Magic Key. She has this massive stage presence. What I was happy about that Wednesday night was the huge crowd she got to play for. The Bottle is the most home among home crowds. I don't know how many were there for Gel Set, she was next. I can say with conviction it's Magic Key is who got me at the Bottle. And I stayed for Gel Set.

  I can't identify MK songs by name. It's all one massive piece with pauses in between. Even as they have slowed, they still have that punk impatience, that punk urgency. A feeling that something is behind you and you can't turn around. You know that something is around that corner and your reaction time is dream sequence slow. A fierce intensity is intact.  You just feel that you are being told a greater, richer story, even in songs when instruments are minimal and its just her voice. All the focus in the room is on her like a candle in a blackout, when its just her voice....except that one night at Whistler when I can hear every asshole hipster behind me.......sorry. I'm letting it go..... Aleks voice is always front and center no matter what else used, electronic or otherwise. It's the first but not only source of her stage presence. Everything is in the service of her operatic power vocals. I don't even recall many instrumental solos. Anyway, I believe the recorded work that will come out I look forward to and perhaps you should as well.


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