Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Chelsea Wolfe

  Fucking hell, that was crazy powerful, like she was harnessing the awesome force of an avalanche! Chelsea Wolfe I am still recovering from. What the hell just happened! I was in a state of awe before she played. I lightly researched her and gathered how late I was in knowing her music. Thalia Hall I've never been to. I always drive by there. It's on 18th street in Pilsen. The main entrance is on a side street and so it was easy to miss it. I parked far on the other side of Ashland because I anticipated little to no parking near the venue.....and its a nice place to walk. Driving by you can't really indulge your sense of wonder. Forgive the quality of the pictures. Even up close you feel far. Chelsea Wolfe......it was like hearing her from the top of a cliff made from a tsunami she is holding with her shear will. It can overwhelm you with a crash but instead she is harnessing and therefore taming that power. I was a deer in a semi's headlights for her entire set. I can't be sure which ones I heard. I'm catching up on her now with youtube. Certain songs now are taking their hold on me. You get into that phase when you can't get enough. That's me with Pain is Beauty with tracks like House of Metal, We Hit A Wall, The Warden. I can go on. Basically I was overwhelmed at the show. Like a bookcase fell on top of me. And I am overwhelmed as I try to catch up. Each song is too awesome to leave behind. What I heard then and what I hear now is beautiful to behold. And in large part I know I am projecting. I believe her concentration of dark culture,  how she makes it sleek and even dance-floor worthy like it was the first time you heard this kind of shit but somehow its familiar enough to dance.......yeah, I can dance to this, in the classic early 90's goth style, oh yes.  And its not the intended thing to make it for a dance-floor. Chelsea's voice has this authority. Its like I'm hearing the Lady of The fucking Lake or something like that.  She was never drowned out at the show. This audience was already familiar with her work. I felt way behind yet that did not bother me. I was too busy just feeling the burning imprint. Sensory overload. If there is something Chelsea uses space to give her music that massive giant size. Atmosphere consumes space to express, and she controls this atmosphere like a comic book heroine. Its never sunny, but you never miss the sun. There's real sweetness in the middle of all that darkness. Each song is massive like a fucking downtown building. Even what seems stripped down actually shrinks you to size. I was late to this party, but happy am I to have finally joined when Chelsea Wolfe released her latest.

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