Friday, May 25, 2012

Salem Bitch Trials

The last time I saw the feminist-punk Salem Bitch Trials the memory of them being assaulted by some asshole at their own merch table at Reggies was still fresh. Their anger has it's rightful origins. It's not for nothing. I find myself in quiet solidarity with them. Their shirts were so cheap. I think they printed their logo on old Gap t-shirts. Just walk around with a Salem Bitch Trials shirt. It's fabulous. This time at Mutiny on Western Ave I found them more relaxed and seemingly in a happier, less guarded mood, and most of them had cat-themed make-up on ears and all. I think one of them graduated college. It was a judgement call to see them. This gig happened to coincide with that of another band Rachel's Surrender. It was raining hard and Mutiny was closer off the highway. I can list off a bunch of other excuses. I wanted to see RS. Ruben is a friend of mine. It's his band. This urgency brings you to the crossroad. Then you decide. When I arrived it was with the usual urgency fueled with a presumed tardiness. It was 11pm  and I thought I was missing something. I get to Mutiny and there was still a band ahead of SBT. Instantly I started to think I can make both shows if I run fast enough....or more likely I can miss both in the attempt. So I stay. By now I'm familiar with how SBT perform. Unpredictable, aggressive and belligerent but not malicious. Yeah they push off and shove their audience but its to drive the point forward into your space. Like they want this outrage, and energy to be your own. You're not just going to stay on stage with songs like "Eat My Pussy!", "Deep Within, It Swallows", oh and "Sexual Assault Causes Impotence". It may sound like I'm taking out the piss by listing the funny names to their songs but I am not. It's important to see what is behind the shock of the names. It's not hard to see. There is reason behind the anger, but lets also revel in the humor, the fun.  You know when they sing "Castrate and Kill" they are loving it. "Check, Check, CHECK!!!" That's how one of the lead singers checks the mic. I start looking for napkins to stuff into my ears. She stretches and takes off her shoes. This is now their space. This is the work they do, the preparation. If you just see the youtube videos and not see them get ready you may not see the order of it, and dismiss them off-hand. You know they're not crazy when they prep. This is only my second time seeing them. The kind of punk they do, it's interesting to see how they recreate the moment, the break. SBT rarely stay on stage during a performance, a lot of spontaneous moments contained. Their space is in the crowd. I suppose one can hear their music and see much that has been done before. What? Was I under a rock during the riot girl 90's? Yeah....I do recall listening to a lot of Los Panchos, Los Tecolines and that led into spanish rock.  But what does it say that fem/punk rock can still be...and be pissed off. Well, yeah. If they can lock up Pussy Riot. The engine that keeps fem/punk alive and relative in part is outrage. I like that I can find bands like Salem Bitch Trials now, today instead of wishing I was there to see Bikini Kill, or The Gits...or I can still wish for that too. SBT will play Crown Tap on Milwaukee Ave with Lezurrecction, and Fucking Dyke Bitches Thursday 7 June....and I'm saying that with a straight face.

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