Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sister Crystals

Sister Crystals. I saw their free show at the Bottle. Finally got the vinyl. Come to think of it I recall seeing them too at the Hideout with Blackstone Rangers. I get a wave of euphoria when I hear them live, and now having finally bought the self-titled vinyl release, this euphoric feeling will come from having that tangible product and hearing it whenever. I just felt that this is the right thing to have on vinyl. They are fuzzier than Rangers, not as electronic.....hell all I recall are guitars and lots of them, but their fog does not disturb their purposeful forward motion. There's just this sweetness out of them. And this is a very personal description that can only make sense to me....they provoke this powerful iconic memory of hearing certain Beatles songs, and then later John Lennon songs for the first time. I'm just taken back to that place. It only makes sense to me. I know. I write it down here mostly for myself, but perhaps there is something to take from that....or not, ok. They got this happy, hopeful alert forward energy. Lauren Whitacre's voice has a slight husk to smoke the sweetness,  so its not intense. For a while the only way to hear their latest work was to go see them live, and their previous work under Magic City. I mean its all I had. And so I saw them a lot. Hard to Imagine is a stroll in the park that still has its dramatic peaks and brief intimate moments with just the voice, the lead guitar is what takes over the story's dramatic and long conclusion. White establishes this strolling pace that continues for me into For So Long, From Our Room. And forgive this primitive use of the crayons but they make me feel like the protagonist at the end of the movie with the credits rolling behind me. Like I've done something that has some kind of subcultural worth....enough to write a movie. I guess its an intense way of saying this music has this ability to make you feel back into your personal narrative with a euphoria, hope, or balm that things are cool. If not they will be or can be. I'm not going on words specific. Just.....This here rant is stream of.....kinda. In White I like how they have those intimate moments when its almost just the voice, a few beats and then the rest of the music cascading around you. Its like another sort of peak. The chime of music behind you feels like back up, validation. I wanted to have new pictures from the most recent show I saw, I did not take my camera so here are pictures from the first time I saw them.

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