Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Solemn Meant Walks

Solemn Meant Walks.....After a bunch of times of not catching them at all. After all these thwarted efforts, I finally sort of catch them well after their set and bought the ...lets see, the self-titled CD right there. What is cool and notable for me is that my friends from Killer Moon were there as well in the audience. I'm going to see them again at some point. Two shows of them coming up, one of them is with Spiritual Bat!!! Before the recession remember there was a Borders on La Grange. It was a nice drive out to there, a canopy of trees and beautiful one of a kind looking homes, that you will always want even in the smallest way. Well that's the background that projects as I hear some tracks on SMW. Yeah, early fall idilic drive down Wolf Rd after buying the Amelie soundtrack and The Gits CDs you had to special order. This is really an early impression, still in flux even as I try to write it down, pin in down. There is an autumn/early spring feel to this, black and white with lots of grey in between. You are brought to a near romantic appreciation of cooler weather, before the real cold newly asserts or just after its last gasp.  Ami Gloria's voice is deep, remote and echo-ish like is coming from around you. As I listen what draws me to eventually read and focus on lyrics is how they sound before any meaning settles. Fleeting had me in less than a minute. It just had this relentless forward drive that pulls you under. Then Vanessa breaks that up and chills you out, and still holds attention. Realizing takes you back to that happy-in-the-gloomy-chill muscle car drive. This is great! I really look forward to their gigs. Their shirts look beautiful....must get one as well.

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