Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Panda Riot at Beat Kitchen

  This was a great time. The vast majority of what they played was new work. This was the first show of the year for the Pandas. And I got to see everyone that played with them. Cassettes on Tape and Wray. Bands always sound good and clear at Beat Kitchen. Bands that played Chicago multiple times often sound better at Beat Kitchen than in other venues. That being said, I go there far less often for some reason. The last Panda show was 9 December 2016, not that far apart but they will become more rare because Rebecca teaches philosophy out of state, so their chances to perform, even practice are precious windows that open and close quick and so they must be seized upon. They got new tracks that they are enthusiastic about recording and presenting. The CD/LP that is available Northern Automatic Music did not get played. For me that is ok. Its not unusual for that to happen. When She Dares All Things was on the merch table they were playing heavily from Northern. Black Pyramids was often the closer.  I love Black Pyramids. That is one of my live favorites...and In The Forest. Them songs gave me something to look forward to from them, and made me feel happy to have witnessed what I did from them before. I was glad to have She Dares All Things. That was leading to something, and so you go back and become reacquainted. After seeing Rogue One, you want to see Star Wars all over again. But I don't want them to wear themselves out playing old tracks. Is that not what the recordings are for? I'm hearing She Dares on random right now without having to bother the band about it. And now I can do the same with Northern. I am familiar with it like I wanted to, and they are moving ahead with new work. So I'm good with them retiring some older songs.
"This song is called....Fuck Trump!!" Rebecca said . And so was the next and fuck it every song was newly christened Fuck Trump!And this is not just us acting like petulant children still unwilling to accept the results of the election, and us gleefully displaying this on a stage during a concert. There are seriously real things for us to oppose from this administration, but I am not listing those here. I'm just glad to see like minded friends reveal themselves so openly for they are cherished allies. Among them are my friends from Panda Riot. So when a philosophy teacher says "Fuck Trump" it has weight. So most if not all the tracks were from their upcoming release and I don't even know the name of it yet. And I don't ask either, I'm just happy that they are enthused about it. Now is the cycle when they play the yet unavailable tracks, from around the corner. This is what made Black Pyramids, Amanda in the Clouds, In The Forest, Good Night Rick Kids, so endearing, at first the were just beyond reach, not yet on vinyl or CD. Just live. And that window when you and the music share a space is small. I can't believe I accumulated years seeing the Pandas. I was a fan before Obama was president, and that is crazy. Trump was not even a possibility at the time. So these last few pictures of Rebecca are from those relatively innocent times, when the impossible happened, and the real impossible was 8 years around the corner.

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