Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Aleks and The Drummer

I missed this band when they opened for Dengue Fever, but I did catch this previous performance somewhere in Bridgeport on a Saturday. I recall at this venue there was art on display all over the place. There were some displays that did catch my eye and thoughts, but perhaps not long enough to survive me writing about them. So why do I go see them whenever I can? Why do I get angry at myself when I miss this band? There are only 5 songs on the ep. There are many songs still you can only catch live. So I go to see what is changing, and for what has remained the same. This is a fascinating artist to see if it's your first time, and one to keep seeing once you are a fan. She evolves before your eyes. By now I have songs that I'm familiar with and anticipate. This was the first time I saw a cello at one of their shows. I also like Ms Aleks' outfits for her performances. She is always way colorful, and can I add this, not tacky or way outlandish. There are some artists where you can kind of guess what they will wear for their own show. Sometimes they have some outfits that they always put on for a show, then there are those that just like black. What Ms Aleks wears one day does not signal what she shall wear her next show. She may not wear black but her music sure does. I'm not saying that her songs are deliberately goth. For me that is part of the beauty of it. It's just natural. I believe that this band has an effortless appeal to a goth crowd. Her signature church organ sound just has this natural sense of authority, fast or slow. "Eye To Eye" always plays in my head when I'm late for something. That drummer is on crack. The live drummer gives the live experience that sense of urgency, and dread even when the songs are slow.
Her voice, her operatic voice, is something to behold. I have mad respect for her voice. There was one show when it was apparent that she was sick, a sore throat I believe. And it was there when I saw the effort that goes into the performances of each song. In seeing this girl tough it out with a sore throat I had a new respect for her voice, and the music. You don't wanna stress your voice with singing and now you gotta hit them high notes. Nothing of the sort happened for this time. I was just going on about why I have that extra respect for the live experience.

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