Saturday, April 19, 2014

Natalie Grace Alford

Friday 28 March. 2014 Natalie Grace Alford. I've missed so many of her recent shows ...this one at Cole's was a mission. I'm glad she's still performing her work. The songs that I know can change from one show to the next. So we make it on time. Her shows are always so different from each other. Sometimes she has a full band, or goes it alone such as that Friday. Her voice is so deep and powerful and does very well with keyboard and looping pedal. Its always fascinating to see her assemble a song when its just her like that. You get to know a track better. With a full band you would just start. But this way its like....having Warpaint start out each song one instrument at a time, one voice at a time. It builds in front of you. Its hard to describe what she played this time beyond .....electronic. She has a single that she gave out. That perhaps means more music to be released. If pressed I'd say her music starts with a neo soul vibe to me, and that is brief and takes off from there in directions unexpected. Natalie has an infectious, passionate delivery. You are just sold on whatever she plays. Thats another thing that I notice that Natalie has that passion from the moment she begins to construct the song before you. Its in her body language before even singing. Just talking on stage.

I don't know if its intentional, accidental. It could be all in my head and in a struggle to describe this brilliant Chicago singer/songwriter, someone that deserves local appreciation.

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