Monday, November 24, 2008

Faceless Werewolves

You find the best things in the most unexpected days.  Here are Balderamo Valdez III, Kelsey Wickliffe, and Erica Barton of the Faceless Werewolves from Austin Texas.  I wanna go to Austin now.  These guys were that good.  It was a Tuesday night.  Normally an odd night to go see a band, but at the time quite the norm for me.  When you adapt your weekend to Tuesday Wednesday your reward is what gets stolen from the regular Friday-Saturday that most people have.  Faceless Werewolves played the Empty Bottle on I think 17 July.  As late as the Sunday before, I did not know they exist and now I listen to their music on most days like a recurring soundtrack.  
  All three band members sing, Baldo plays guitar as does Ms Kelsey, and Ms Erica plays drums.  Having all three sing is an advantage, for there are as many voices to like.  And there is something egalitarian about all three being the voice.   There is no one frontperson
So how do I describe them?  Texas indy garage-rock? That's one way but that's assuming I'm using the term correctly.   There is this working class thing to them as well, or maybe it's just how I hear "Phoenix Rose", "Life Is Strange", or "Get Me Howlin".  It's like when you are the first in your family to enter university.  Your working class roots never really leave you.  This working class thing they got....if it is not exclusively in my head is all over their music, and it can appeal to indy, art-rock fans.  They have that immediacy of garage-rock.  You can drive to them on long stretches of highway at 80 mph.  

Years ago I saw Love and a 45 .  This movie stars Renee Zelleweger. I don't know if it's because I heard the band  say that their from Texas that suddenly I put them and this movie together, but they so belong on the soundtrack to it.  Their Texas identity casts such a large shadow that it reaches all the way to Illinois.  Some states can do that, and Faceless Werewolves are great ambassadors for Texas.  I just loved them that much.  Listening to "Get Me Howlin'", and "Money, You Ain't Got Enough"  gets you driving way over the speed limit on I90/I94.    
If one is curious about them, they can go to their websites
I met them after the show, specifically Baldo and Erica.  They were very nice people.  I wanted to bullshit with them a little more but sometimes your graceful exit presents itself before your wit.  I'm a shy person so it's the graceful exit that I took, but not before Ms Erica took pictures with me with her disposable camera.  I hope I came out well.  And I bought the CDs.  I should have bought a shirt as well but I did not.  

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