Tuesday, May 24, 2011

...lately Moritat

My favorite bands I see a lot. I try to see regularly. A real fan is an old fan. It's cool to see the changes from performance to performance. It's also cool to see what stays, what is worn multiple times, etc. And then there are the surprises the familiar can throw at you. Moritat, I saw last week after missing them for like three times. Venus has this way with the keyboard. My first time seeing the band had this song that reminded me of the theme song to The Peanuts, Charlie Brown and all. There was a reason why I liked the song apart from the cartoon. The coolness of that piano Venus captured it. This sentiment that I usually identify with jazz piano,..this bullfighters coolness that plays for itself first, does not feel the need for attention from you. This was the first light that attracted me to Moritat, the deep cool keyboard was just the beginning. They make music that is this moving, evolving target. This animal is often seen grazing trip-hop lands, but we have yet to map it's entire habitat. So I saw the band at Beat Kitchen and at some point here's Venus playing guitar, that was awesome. You know with PJ Harvey, it was impacting to see her one day switch to piano after identifying with the guitar for so long. It was the same thing with Moritat's Venus. I can only see her behind the keyboard before this. Or at least I was identifying her too exclusively to one instrument.
Oh and it was nice to see Julie Meckler out supporting Moritat. Bravo all.

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