Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Wax Idols on 4.20. 2013

I'm newly obsessing over Wax Idols, 'cause I saw them at Empty Bottle, right on 4.20.   I could have seen them for free at Cole's in 2011! Where did I fuck off to then? I got to Empty Bottle early enough this time to see TV Ghost. They were great! I mean they were hanging-from-the-fucking- chandelier crazy! I've been shying away from the male voice over the years and so the ones that grab my attention have to bust through this filter that has calcified. So when I say I love TV Ghost, I mean it as sincerely as I can. They were brilliant and powerful and weird. This tiny reference here is to remind me to get their music later. I understand Hether and the lead singer are now married. After seeing this one gig of TV Ghost....I get it! He was sexy and I don't even like using that word. I wish their married life well and full of happiness. I've seen her name spelled two ways, and so I guess I will chose one for this post that is long over due.
  By the time I get to see Wax Idols, there is a whole lot written about them reviewing the latest CD Discipline And Desire. It started when I liked how they took the piss out of Pitchfork. I fucking loved that. I was on their side from that point on. For some reason my instinct is to side with the band when they stick it to the man.  I am now a fan. Everything I write is in that context. A lot was available to read  and see about them before ........seeing them. I don't know how different my post will seem in the face of all that has been written already. All the good parking is taken. Still I have to give this a go. My instinct is to write. I don't just want to post pictures of which I took a lot. I can at least recall this one show that is somewhat iconic for me. I could not afford the two CDs they had available. Believing that I can perhaps get that later, I got the shirt instead since perhaps that would be harder to get later. I have so few white shirts. Normally thats for a reason. Theirs was just too awesome. Its just gonna be one of those things that will nag me for years. I wanted snort everything on that merch table actually including TV Ghost. Everything into the veins! This is the one show I will see of them in a while. So far removed from that one performance. Will I try here to review that moment?  Ugh, that R word. I so rarely dare to use it since when I write I am already sold as a fan. I took so many pictures. I still have not bought the CDs. I certainly shall....for real, meanwhile I could not help but download their live performance available on Free Music Archive. I am eternally and humbly grateful to them for that. It helps to retain the memory of seeing them. That is important, to have seen this with my own eyes or else the experience is not truly mine. Hether Fortune is a confident, dominant performer easily in command of her audience. I would glance back at the crowd on occasion, the way Amelie does to a movie crowd. Hether moves and you want to have the same swagger embedded into your movements. The drummer, her eyes have the stopping power to halt a stampeding herd of wild animals. Its not the same as wanting to imitate as much as believing that I can have the same effect in the little moments that I have, be it in conversation.....or things like that. Alright, to be clear it is not my desire to have the stare down power of Christopher Walkin. But a natural command of your audience, yeah.  That will come it handy. Everyone on that stage had that perfect command of what they were doing and you want it to rub off. Somehow you want to take as much of the performance with you as possible. That inspires confidence from within.  Her voice has this natural authority. Its deep and its clear. Hether also works as a professional dominatrix. Thats juggling two different jobs...two different worlds. A lesser person may read that and immediately roll their eyes upon hearing the name of the newest CD and that would be very shallow indeed and I invite anyone interested in the band to look up this interview on Emusic.com. Its very insightful, and just maybe will get you to listen to Lebanese music. The more I read it, the more I feel....represented by her music. So more enthusiastically I will buy the music and wear the shirt. There are many performers that I needed time to actually form an opinion on. Wax Idols got me straight away, the reasons I would find out later.

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