Saturday, November 8, 2014

Circuit des Yeux

  I'm writing this ahead of her Empty Bottle sponsored performance at Bohemian Nat'l Cemetery on Saturday 6 December. I'm glad to see her touring so actively. She can take the stage alone or with a full band behind her. I mean there is something powerful and unsettling when hearing how fucking deep her voice is in My Name Is Rune. And there she is a dark and psychedelic Midwestern chanteuse.  At times she seems to speak from the animal urges. The thing is people have to listen, have the patience, the common fucking decency to not talk during her shows, or any shows for that matter.  Performers are human and I get embarrassed to no end when being around people that are yammering about. Ms Haley's Acarina, on Overdue a dark casual walk down a rural ghost town is creepy like Siouxsie's Rawhead And Bloodybones. Someday has the seething strength of Samson waiting to drop the building down on his enemies.  It just has this intense volcano like build up.  While on Portrait   3311 just seems ok with festering with whatever rages Someday. Its pace relaxes in misery, in no apparent rush, and then.....Twenty &and Dry then  I feel like I just saw a whole documentary on The fucking Dustbowl and The Steppenwolf Theatre's production of Buried Child. And then you get that cathartic power rush with I'm On Fire! You put that one on after you took care of business. Ms Haley don't do cheery shit. Oh.....Why do I hear shit that is so fucking dark and heavy?....Its fucking rhetorical!....Here's why anyway. Its the light within the tunnel. It may sound like depressing music, but it gets it out of you, or leads you out if it like blues music.

This is my goth equivalent of jazz with seeming improvisation of the same dark elements abnormally unharnessed in the hands of Haley Fohr. Or perhaps I just should have said you can't easily dance to it in a goth club. Its road worthy for when you are going there.  Having said that, her live sets are moving and powerful. This one show at The Owl actually sounded like Dead Can Dance and goths trip over each other to dance to that.  I do recall she's moved to Chicago from Indiana, yay!!! The south side on top of that....No, not Pilsen. Anyway, she is local and is touring all over and will come home in early December. Lets give her some local attention before she feels the appreciation of other places she can want to move to.

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