Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Problem With Julie

My Problem With Julie Meckler is that it's really hard to describe her music. I love her shows that I catch and she plays a lot in Chicago. She will play again this Sunday 15 April. You get a feel for the range of her appreciation as a music listener, far and away superior to ones own. Julie so floors me with her Portishead cover. So the trip hop is worn well by the lovely Ms. Julie. Oh that that reminds me, as Strindberg references always do, Julie did theater back in France. She did acting. That means Ibsen, Genet, Brecht, maybe even Pirandello!!!. Ahh, can you see her as Hedda Gabler....I don't know if she's done all these plays, but that is what my pretend mental google search finds. You see how long a stretch that is from performing music, your own music? As I see her play her music I often linger on that journey of hers from acting to singing. I like throwing that in because it enhances what you pick up when you see her. It's the French Jazz in her that cracks open all kinds of doors. The giddiness of French Jazz, at least for me. It's like this. Say Borders is still open and you're in the international section of the music section. The modern French bands had this take on jazz that was not...boring to me. They were giddy and lively. That's kind of the path Julie takes you with. So on and off live you will see a trumpet player. The jazz sneaks that in where rock is less inclined. Calling her an indy rock singer kind of puts a blind spot in the places that matter. Anyway, she will play Whistler Sunday 15 April, I hope I convinced someone with this to go.

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