Wednesday, July 27, 2016


 From foggy memory comes this focused narrative about seeing Advaeta at Empty Bottle.  Somewhere in there will be impressions of hearing the downloaded music. They are from Brooklyn. And I am hearing Death And The Internet. Seeing them one time carries well and then when you hear them on your own in the car, and pow!.....a second time! And that one time at Empty Bottle is but a brief window. I'm glad I finally found the few pictures I took of their show. I guess I mostly observed. But that window starts this ball rolling, a new soundtrack to play to all thoughts that cross the mind, and you discover yourself again. Fuzzy and forward driving, this  nebulous engine with clear vocals. There's an aggression in the fuzz that keeps me from saying shoegaze. The word driven out! Hmmm, one less word. They are fast and driving from the first second, a downhill rolling conviction with barely a slow down to wonder about. Its fascinating when its the drummer that sings. The urgency does not snuff out the candle in the sharp movement.  With Angelfish as I see the gears work is when the vocals kick in. Its the first track and you immediately are set up for more. You are automatically a fan of what you just heard and what comes next. Hazel Blue Eyes  brings to mind...... Advaeta is less My Bloody Valentine and more Miranda Sex Garden in their mysteriousness.  They take their time just like MSG. Divide reveals in rapidly churning steps. The moment occupied by both urgency and a long relaxed unveiling of layers. In fact I would start with MSG when talking about Advaeta. I notice myself into the textures of guitar before they even sing.  down.  In Gold Thought Exit the pulse breathes urgently even when appearing to slow.
  .  RIP is another one that has a Miranda Sex Garden feel to it. Its a never ending twister, mediaeval tornado wind. I feel like I tumbled on a set of stairs. I can now go over these songs and listen to them and feel their individual impact. You can basically replace most of the soundtrack of Ladyhawke with these tracks. You are a free runner in a forest. Your New Life In Pictures. Death And the Internet is the name of the album, and they made a fan of me.  Zig

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